Who monitors long-term performance and operational efficiency from the moment wind turbine rotors start turning?
Topwind acts as a spider in the web for ensuring that various requirements match seamlessly.
Save costs and ensure a stable energy supply by combining sun and wind on 1 cable-grid connection.
Our team possesses all necessary knowledge for conducting sound project assessments, simply because we in-house realize and manage windfarms.
A sound bidding process ensures competitive prices, but equally important are good contract terms, necessary guarantees, and optimal technology.
Project management is in some cases regarded a secondary priority, whereas growing complexity increasingly demands dedicated professional know-how and involvement.
Large projects with multiple involved parties are characterized by levels of complexity and overall challenges exceeding project owner capabilities.
A QAQC manager during the intermediate period manages all necessary process steps from production to delivery, installation and commissioning.
Topwind serves as a link between you and implementing parties. We combine knowledge of strategic interests with in-depth technical know-how.
Topwind has specialized in wind turbine technology, and we were for many years actively involved in a wide range of project plans by entrepreneurs, developers, and end users. This means providing expert support during project development, and again actively contribute to project realization and long-term upkeep. The specialist’s expertise is thereby combined with required decisiveness of a service provider. This is exactly what we are in heart and soul!